House System
The school has four houses and every child belongs to one house. Children earn tokens for good work, kind acts, sporting achievements etc throughout the week and they all contribute to the overall amount earned for their house. We have an assembly every Friday where a two 'Star Pupils' are announced from each class and everyone waits in anticipation to see which house they belong to because one star = 10 tokens! Children also share achievements from home and we find out overall totals for the week and term so far. There is an overall winning house every half term and they are rewarded with a treat of their choosing.
Each house has a captain and vice captain who are elected by members of the house at the beginning of the curriculum year.
The houses are:
Captain: Ava Whatmore
Vice Captain: Millie Weedall
Captain: Freddie Jackson
Vice Captain: Finley Johnson
Captain: Miya Watson
Vice Captain: Alfie Fogin-Gray
Captain: Millie Curnow
Vice Captain: Dexter Harland